

An article about Taylor vortex current was published in “Chemical Engineering”

An article by Osaka Municipal University lecturer Masuda Hayato, entitled “Learning from the past: Taylor vortex flow,” was published in the December 2024 issue of Chemical Engineering.


Lecturer Masuda is an advisor to the Go-Tech program, which supports advanced research and development through industry-academia collaboration by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, and Tipton has been selected for this year’s program on the topic of “Research and development of continuous crystallization mass production technology using Taylor vortex nanoreactors.”


The article describes the journey from the discovery of Taylor vortexes about 100 years ago to applied research in chemical processes, including continuous reactive crystallization.


For the full article, click here for more details.

Presented research results on high-gravitational barrel polishing at an international symposium

At the International Symposium Advance in Abrasive Technology (ISAAT) 2024 held in Slovenia in November 2024, research results on high-gravitational barrel finishing methods 「Investigation of effect of rotation and revolution speeds in centrifugal barrel finishing of magnet workpiece」(Presenters and co-researchers: Kanazawa University / Yohei Hashimoto, Kohei Yamatani. Tipton / Minoru Ito, Tatsuki Kawahara.)


Click here for ISAAT2024 Program>

Click here for details on Kanazawa University Production Processing Systems Laboratory>

Click here for the video of “Mighty-Mild”>

Click here for the “Mighty-Mild” product catalog>

Improving metal fatigue properties with a gyro polisher. Published in the academic journal Materialia.

By applying nitriding treatment to the metal surface after gyro polishing, we were able to make the crystal grains of the surface compound layer ultra-fine. As a result, it is expected that the fatigue properties of metal materials will be improved by combining gyro polishing and nitriding treatment. The paper is titled “Grain refinement of Fe4N compound layer in nitrided steel”. (Paper author and co-researchers: Kanazawa University / Norimitsu Koga, Yohei Hashimoto, and 4 others) Our company is cooperating in providing media for this research.


Click here for details of the paper

Click here for details on Kanazawa University Materials Engineering Laboratory

Research results on gyro polishing machines will be published in the academic journal 「MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS」(currently available online)

The paper is titled as「Residual Stress, Surface Roughness and Microstructure on Specimen Surface Subjected to Gyrofinishing Process with Various Abrasive Media」.

The results show the gyro-polishing finish provides a smooth metal surface while providing an ultra-fine grain structure and large residual stress. (Author and co-researchers: Kanazawa University / Norimitsu Koga, Yohei Hashimoto et al.)


Click regarding Kanazawa University Materials Engineering Laboratory>

Click for the paper’s link>

5th Industry-Academia Collaboration Achivement Presentation

On Wednesday, May 22, 2024, the 5th joint research results presentation meeting between Kanazawa University, Kobe University, and our company was held at the company’s main hall.


This year, there were presentations on five themes.

・Kanazawa University: 2 lectures on barrel polishing

・Kobe University: 1 lecture on Taylor vortex nanoreactor

・Employee presentation: 2 new product developments


We look forward to publishing these research results in conference presentations and papers.

We will continue to strengthen industry-academia collaboration and Tipton’s technological foundation.