

Childcare leave

Due to the revision of the Childcare and Family Care Leave Act, a system of postpartum paternity leave (childcare leave at the time of birth) was implemented from October 2022, making it easier for male employees to take childcare leave.

We are working to create a work environment where all employees can work with a peace of mind.

An example of our efforts, can be seen in this report.

Obtained a patent license for TVF “Continuous Crystallizer” from Nippon Chemical Industrial CO., LTD

We obtained a license for the company’s invention (Patent No. 5616729). This patent allows for the generation of crystals of uniform size by connecting crystallizers, thereby improving yields. Please contact Tipton for more information about crystallizers using the patent.

>Click here for TVF product introduction

>Click here to watch the TVF video

48th Espo Meeting was held to showcase and highlight our new product lines

On Friday, November 10, 2023, 45 people from 25 agencies nationwide attended.
We held training sessions for new products Mighty/Mild, TVF, ECX-Ps, etc.
After introducing the features and case studies of each product, participants could see, touch, and operate the actual machine.
A lively question-and-answer session also provided a more in-depth understanding of our new product lines.

4th Joint Research Results Presentation

On Friday, June 2, 2023, the 4th Joint Research Results was held at Tipton’s headquarters.

This year the following themes were discussed:

・Professor Kato from Juju Patent Law Firm lectured on “Tips for Utilizing Patents in Daily Work”

・Kobe University: Lecture on TVF

・Kanazawa University: Lecture on barrel polishing

・Employee announcements: 2

By continuing to strengthen industry-academia collaboration, we will further strengthen Tipton’s technological foundation.

Patent registered for TVF’s gas-liquid-slug flow

This is an invention of an effective gas-liquid slug flow for mixing and homogenization and uniformity of particle size by Taylor Vortex Flow Nano-Reactor. This is a joint study with Kobe University National University Corporation “Method of controlling fluid and Taylor Vortex Flow Reactor” (Patent No. 7213513).

> Click here for TVF product introduction

>Click here for TVF video

For more information about the Kobe University study, click here