

Patent registered for TVF’s gas-liquid-slug flow

This is an invention of an effective gas-liquid slug flow for mixing and homogenization and uniformity of particle size by Taylor Vortex Flow Nano-Reactor. This is a joint study with Kobe University National University Corporation “Method of controlling fluid and Taylor Vortex Flow Reactor” (Patent No. 7213513).

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For more information about the Kobe University study, click here

Research results on gas-liquid-slug flow were published in the international journal “Chemical Engineering and Processing – Process Intensification.”

Flow and mixing characteristics of gas-liquid slug flow in a continuous Taylor-Couette flow reactor with narrow gap width” was published in issue 183 of the journal. The paper was co-authored with Kobe University. (Author and co-authors: Kobe University’s Keigo Shimizu, Etsushi Komoda, Naoto Omura along with Tipton’s Kairi Kato & Tomoyuki Kobayashi)

For more information on the collaboration with Kobe University, click here

For details of the whitepaper, click here

Research results on a gyro-polisher were published in “International Journal of Automation Technology”.

“Finishing speed improvement using side cover plates in gyro finishing” was published in Issue 17 of the journal. Lead-time reduction was achieved by installing a restraining plate to improve the processing speed of the workpiece. This is a joint paper with Kanazawa University. (Author and co-authors: Kanazawa University’s Yohei Hashimoto, Yugo Nakayama, Tatsuaki Furumoto, Akira Hosokawa along with Tipton’s Akihito Sekiya, Tetsuya Yamada, Tatsuki Kawahara)

>Click here for more information about the study with Kanazawa University

For details of the paper, click here

Publication of an Academic Article based on our TVF🄬 in the European “Chemical Engineering and Processing” Journal

“Flow and mixing characteristics of gas-liquid slug flow in a continuous Taylor-Couette flow reactor with narrow gap width” a joint paper with Kobe University’s Ohmura Laboratory has been peer-reviewed and published into a European journal. This article explores how we developed such high extrudability, with a distributed particle size 1000th that of its predecessors, through the combination of our high RPM, micro-capping TVF and Kobe Universities amalgamation optimization technology. We expect to see this technology to revolutionize processes utilized in the medical and fine-chemical industries.
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Click here for the Research Article>
Click here for more information on the KU’s Ohmura Lab.>

Continuous Flow Synthesis Device “TVF🄬” won the Symposium Award at Japan Chemical Industry Association.

“Effects of Taylor-Couette Flow on Gas-liquid slug flow” jointly presented with Kobe University Omura Lab received the Symposium Award at the 53rd Autumn conference of Japan Chemical Industry Association.
This gas-liquid slug flow is characterized by high extrudability (minimal axial diffusion) in continuous flow production. It is expected to be utilized in the pharmaceutical and precision chemistry industries(International patent pending).
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