The Article of Taylor Vortex Flow Nano Reactor was Published in Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun
In the Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun on December 30, 2020,
an introduction article of Taylor Vortex Flow Nano Reactor was published.
In the Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun on December 30, 2020,
an introduction article of Taylor Vortex Flow Nano Reactor was published.
This device has received favorable reputations in a wide range of industries,
from ceramic materials in the chemical industry to bio-drug discovery in the
pharmaceutical industry.
We will work on basic research with Kobe University and challenge
the elucidation of Taylor Vortex Flow mechanism.
Our president appeared on Tokai Radio program ” TOKAI MANUFACTURING UNIVERSITY” broadcasted on December 14.
You can also listen to the contents of the broadcast from the Tokai Radio Broadcasting website (link below).
In the Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun on October 15, 2020,
An introduction article of Cyclo-Finish (CF3-6) was published.
We are trying to elucidate the barrel finishing mechanism in a collaboration with Kanazawa University.
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Phone | 248-358-5400 |