

Research results on gas-liquid-slug flow were published in the international journal “Chemical Engineering and Processing – Process Intensification.”

Flow and mixing characteristics of gas-liquid slug flow in a continuous Taylor-Couette flow reactor with narrow gap width” was published in issue 183 of the journal. The paper was co-authored with Kobe University. (Author and co-authors: Kobe University’s Keigo Shimizu, Etsushi Komoda, Naoto Omura along with Tipton’s Kairi Kato & Tomoyuki Kobayashi)

For more information on the collaboration with Kobe University, click here

For details of the whitepaper, click here

Research results on a gyro-polisher were published in “International Journal of Automation Technology”.

“Finishing speed improvement using side cover plates in gyro finishing” was published in Issue 17 of the journal. Lead-time reduction was achieved by installing a restraining plate to improve the processing speed of the workpiece. This is a joint paper with Kanazawa University. (Author and co-authors: Kanazawa University’s Yohei Hashimoto, Yugo Nakayama, Tatsuaki Furumoto, Akira Hosokawa along with Tipton’s Akihito Sekiya, Tetsuya Yamada, Tatsuki Kawahara)

>Click here for more information about the study with Kanazawa University

For details of the paper, click here

Market Launch of our renewed CBF Machine “HS-R30ACE”

Our New Barrel Finishing Device, HS-R30ACE, has been launched on to the market.
The HS-R30ACE is a renewal of our 4X 7.1L Barrel “HS-R30X”, a best seller on the market, but with a new “simplicity of use” added to its highly prized repertoire.
This machine succeeds its predecessor as a new-generation machine by featuring our newly developed, removable “SPot” lining (SPot), a large, easy to use touch-panel HMI for users to customize every detail of their production specifications and thorough attention to safe-use. Handling from rough finishing all the way to mirror finishing, this machine excels at precision finishing and process time reduction.
For more information contact your local distributor or us through our website
◆Links and Resources
Click here for Video>
Click here for the Product Catalog (HS-R30ACE)>

Publication of an Academic Article based on our TVF🄬 in the European “Chemical Engineering and Processing” Journal

“Flow and mixing characteristics of gas-liquid slug flow in a continuous Taylor-Couette flow reactor with narrow gap width” a joint paper with Kobe University’s Ohmura Laboratory has been peer-reviewed and published into a European journal. This article explores how we developed such high extrudability, with a distributed particle size 1000th that of its predecessors, through the combination of our high RPM, micro-capping TVF and Kobe Universities amalgamation optimization technology. We expect to see this technology to revolutionize processes utilized in the medical and fine-chemical industries.
For more information contact your local distributor or us through our website
Click here for the Research Article>
Click here for more information on the KU’s Ohmura Lab.>

Barrel Finishing is a must for Additive manufacturing (AM) Optimization

Our machines handle nearly all metal and plastic work pieces produced in 3D printers; from titanium and inconel to maraging steel steel.
We have positive responses from customers who tell us that our machinery fufills all of their AM post-processing needs; from surface treatment/polishing after printing to dealing with ghosting and artifacting.
・Mighty Mild’s high pressure flow and G-Force adds extra kinetic friction to small medial such as our E-series micromedia; giving our users more grinding/polishing power that reaches every part of their work pieces, including previously unreachable parts segments.
・Our “Drag Finish”range, a dry-media type finishing machine, uses highspeed rotational flow to handle even the most complexly shaped work-pieces.

We are here for your every finishing and surface grinding need; please feel free to contact us for any inquiries.

Click here for details>