

High-Quality Finishing using Tipton’s Next-Generation Barrel Finishing Machine “Mighty Mild”

Featured in the October issue of the monthly magazine “Machine Technology” titled “Optimal Application for Deburring and Edge Finishing,” the article introduced the hi-gravitational low flow barrel finishing machine “Mighty-Mild”. (Author: Mikine Kitagawa of Tipton)

>Click here for the product introduction of Mighty-Mild

>Click here to watch the video of Mighty-Mild

Patent registered for hi-gravitational barrel finishing machine

This is a patent for our hi-gravitational barrel finishing machine, which is a high-end model of centrifugal barrel finishing machine. The unique flow in the barrel called “low-speed high-pressure flow” is expected to shorten processing time, reduce dents, improve luster, and reduce wear of the media. Mighty-Mild’s invention “Centrifugal Barrel Finishing Machine and Centrifugal Barrel Finishing Method” (Patent No. 5555383).

>Click here for Mighty-Mild product introduction

>Click here to watch a video of the Mighty-Mild